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Date CreatedClosed06/Sep/17
Summery of the IssueIssuesJira Ticket NumberAffected VersionReporterStatusDetails

Opening a barcode field causes the Windows app to crash

BRID-1168AOTZhang-Lei Rushton28/Sep/17Its a Creator update bug. Bug fix has been included on MS updates.

Counter field misaligned on iPhone 6

BRID-1092AOMJoel IrelandClosed
Issue occurs when Display Zoom is set to Zoomed as shown on the screenshot. This is not supported.

Pressing an image based field on the image preview brings up a larger preview instead of opening the field

BRID-815V4 APPThis is a desired feature.
Decorated image remembers selecting and deselecting an object meaning that you have to undo multiple times if you have selected and deselected an object more than onceBRID-818V4 APPNeeds further testing
App Customisation logo is not removed from a second device if user has already logged into another device and had the logo removed on that deviceBRID-1220V4 3.2
Search bar displays all jobs / templates when you type in "rest"BRID-463Bridge