If you can't find the answer you need in the wiki then Raise a support ticket via the support desk.
Problems between Whitespace and All On Mobile
Questions | Solutions |
My automated rounds to cabs didn't work, what should I do? | 1. Raise a support ticket so Whitespace can investigate what happened. 2. Go to the rounds to cabs screen and send the rounds manually |
Using AOM - How do I know how many streets a Crew has collected and whether there have been any issues? | Main > Mobile > Round Progress |
When first using PowerSuite you can’t send a round to a device | You need to set up a Round definition Main > Mobile > Round Definition |
If you set up a new vehicle and try to send a round or worksheet to it and get a red failure message | This is probably due to you running out of AOM licences. Raise a support ticket and we can check this out for you and discuss your options |
You can’t see a vehicle in the Send Rounds to Cabsscreen | Check that the vehicle has been defined in the New Collection Vehicle . If that is okay, check if it has been used in the Management > Rounds > Ad Hoc Rounds screen and has therefore been set up as an adhoc vehicle - if this is the case then Whitespace will need to manually delete it for you so it can be set up again Raise a support ticket. |
You can’t see the Extra Info fields on the device | They have not been defined as Mobile in the Properties screen Management > Services > Service Properties |
Information entered on the AOM Device is not coming back into PowerSuite, what should I do? | Check if the AOM device has a signal, then look on the AOM Bridge to see if the information has reached there. If is has reached the bridge but not PowerSuite then Raise a support ticket for us to investigate |
The Job Completed function is not closing worksheets | You probably don’t have the incabcloseworksheets set to TRUE in the Authority Globals - speak to Whitespace about this Raise a support ticket. |
The job defined as a template on the AOM Bridge and created on the device is not coming back into PowerSuite | It could be that the field definition in the Template on the bridge and the field definition in the Property in PowerSuite don’t match. Eg one is a text and one is a number - speak to Whitespace if you are having trouble with this Raise a support ticket. |
Exceptions / Engagement or Incidents have been added in the Main > Mobile > Round Definition but they are not appearing on the Device | You need to define them in the Main > Mobile > Round Exceptions against each of the Services |
The crew is completing the worksheet job, but the worksheet is not closing automatically in PowerSuite | You may be sending the worksheet too soon for the job to close automatically. When a crew returns a job, it only progresses the workflow by one step. If the next available worksheet state is anything other than “Complete Worksheet”, the job will remain open. If this is not the case, there is an Authority Global called InCabCloseWorksheet that needs to be set to TRUE. Raise a support ticket and ask Whitespace to check this setting. |
Can I send the same round to multiple Devices? | The Rounds to Cabs function does not allow this but the Part Rounds to Cabs function (or Round Amendments for PowerSuite version 7.8.9) will allow you to divert all or part of a round to a different device / vehicle or to resend jobs that have already been completed. |
General Usage Queries
Questions | Solutions |
It is the beginning of April and all of my collections data has disappeared. There is nothing coming out on a round report and nothing showing on the collection tabs. | The charge matrix has probably not been updated for the year beginning in April. Speak to your administrator or see Financial Charge Matrix for more details on how to rectify this |
I am trying to create a worksheet for a bulky collection but there are no dates available under the Extra Info Tab | You need to create some Ad-Hoc Round Instances using the Management > Rounds > Adhoc Round Instances Screen |
Worksheets to Cabs page is not showing any worksheets | If you are on version 7.8.9 or later, check whether the WSTOCAB service property has been assigned using the Management>Services>Service Property Assignment or it may be that your role has not been assigned any worksheets |
In a domestic site I am trying to set up a new collection service by using the NEW button on the collection tab but there are no rounds in the un-assigned round or I can't see the round I want | Look in the Available Rounds tab. If the round you want is not there the street or individual account site has not been assigned to the round. Use the Management Rounds Round Area Street Assignment screen to make the round available to the street you require |
I can't find the account site I want | The search facility on the Account site page works better if you use less information. Instead of entering a whole address try just the first few letters of the street and see if you can select the property you require from the list displayed. Alternatively try using the UPRN. If you think the account site may have been deleted Raise a support ticket |
How do I know which report to use? | There are a number of reports that provide similar information in a slightly different format or with different selection criteria use the Domestic Reports or Trade Reports to see examples of the standard reports. |
Is there any way to get an excel extract out of PowerSuite? | You can get an excel extract in 3 ways: Every report has an export to XLS function, the Data Playground also has an export function or you can use Excel IO (if you are an administrator) |
Using AOM - How do I know how many streets a Crew has collected and whether there have been any issues? | Main > Mobile > Round Progress |
If I have created a worksheet and then want to change the service items how do I do that? | Use the cancel and copy worksheet button to create another worksheet where you can clear the service items and add different ones. Be careful - if the Worksheet was created via and API interface (not directly in PowerSuite) it will be better to cancel it and ask them to raise it again |
How do I highlight details about a particular property to the crew? | In PowerSuite we use the notification function to inform the crew about a particular property either on a printed report or on their mobile device. See displaying notification by property for details on how to do this or notifications tab for how to set them up |
When I try to add or open an attachment, or when I try to view a map, a new tab opens with a message that says “The requested page or resource has not been found” | This is related to your user permissions. Speak to your internal PowerSuite administrator and ask to be promoted to a role with permissions to view attachments. Alternatively, your internal PowerSuite administrator can Raise a support ticket and request that Whitespace gives your existing role either read only (open and view) or administrative (additional ability to add an attachment) permissions for the attachments page |
I get booted out of PowerSuite often and would like to extend my time out period | For security reasons, you have a timeout period set where, even if it looks like PowerSuite is open, the next time you undertake an action that causes a page refresh, you are directed back to the log in screen. By default, this is set to 20 minutes. If you would like to have this extended (or reduced), please raise a support desk ticket and Whitespace will arrange this for you. Please note, due to the fact that it is related to security, Whitespace will verify the requirement with your named Whitespace super user and/or management prior to applying the change. It's also worth noting that we can't extend it too much as this could affect performance. |
I want to add EWC code / Bin Chip Number / RFID to a service item, but Edit More Items button opens up a blank screen with no fields | You'll need to specify the Service Item Class with associated Service Item Properties for fields to be displayed against the service item. If you have sufficient permissions follow this link to set this up: Setting Service Item Properties in Edit More Fields screen. Alternatively, raise a support ticket and ask Whitespace to give you menu permissions or set this up for you. |
All On Mobile General Usage Queries
Questions | Solutions |
How do I use this wiki? | Click on this link for details - Home |
What do I do if I am stuck? | If this page doesn't help you the AllonMobile expert in your organisation. If you need help urgently raise a support ticket via the support desk - Raise a support ticket |
What is AllOnMobile? | AllOnMobile (aka AOM) is a mobile application that runs on android or IOS devices. It is an application in its own right that allows you to send instructions or jobs which can then be completed and it is also possible to create jobs on the device |
How do I log into AllOnMobile? | Logging onto AllOnMobile using a device |
What is “the Bridge”? | The bridge is the web site that shows you to control and review the AOM jobs - see here for more details Using the AllOnMobile Bridge |
How does PowerSuite use the features in AllOnMobile to send Rounds and Worksheets electronically? | There are steps to be taken to configure AOM in addition to the configuration to PowerSuite see Using PowerSuite and AOM together for more details. |
My round won't go down? | If you are getting an “In Cab Error” “Round failed to send - see logs for details” red banner in Main > Mobile > Rounds to Cabs… and when you check logs the error states something like: “Entity Validation Failed. See the attached broken rules”, it means you are trying to send the round down in a format that does not have round definitions defined. Go to Main > Mobile > Round Definitions and associate Round Definitions to your Round Format. See Configuration - round definition if you're still stuck |
I can't log onto the device, how do I unlock a User? | Unlock an AOM User using the Bridge |
How do I delete a job from the AOM device? | Delete a job from the AOM Bridge |
How do I know if a job has been sent to a device? | Look on the Jobs page on the bridge and there will be a colour coded flag which will show the detail of every job |
How do I change the company Logo displayed on the devices? | Use the App Customisation tab in the bridge, under Select the Customisation select Main Logo, upload the new Logo and push OK |
What happens when a job is sent to more than one user? | Which ever user completes the job first will update the bridge and the job will be removed from any other devices providing they have a signal |
The outgoing e-mail from AllOnMobile Bridge is from @AllOnMobile.com. Can this be changed to my company name? | Yes it can! This is a subscription based service that costs £15 per month per domain name and this will cover up to 5,000 outgoing e-mails. If you're expecting higher outgoing traffic than 5,000 e-mails, we could investigate an alternative provider for you. |
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