All On Mobile & Whitespace Mobile - Certified Devices

All On Mobile & Whitespace Mobile - Certified Devices

What is a Certified Device

Whitespace support our apps provided they are running on a Certified Device . This is a device which meets the following three criteria:

  1. The device is running an Android or iOS operating system that is still in support.

  2. The device itself must be currently supported by its manufacturer.

  3. Customers must have tested their range of Templates and Jobs on the devices that they procure.

It is not feasible for AllOnMobile Ltd and Whitespace Ltd to test all possible hardware platforms and it is worth noting, for example, that different Android devices are provided with different variants of the Android OS and that different variations of SQLite are distributed with Android and iOS operating systems. 

It is vitally important that customers recognise the importance of testing their own jobs and templates on their chosen devices and plan their device and OS updates accordingly. Templates and Jobs with field counts of 200 or greater OR which make use of SQLite calculations and look-ups are particularly sensitive to device performance and SQLite.

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