| Question | Answer |
1 | Q - The outgoing e-mail from All On Mobile Bridge is from @AllOnMobile.com. Can this be changed to my company name? | A - Yes it can! This is a subscription based service and would cost £15 per month per domain name and this will cover up to 5,000 outgoing e-mails. If you're expecting higher outgoing traffic than 5,000 e-mails, we could investigate an alternative provider for you. |
2 | Q - Can I limit the amount of decimal places shown after an SQL calculation? | A - Yes you can! For iOS and Android 5.0(and above) users you can use the printf function, an example of two decimal places would be:
[[SELECT printf("%.2f",${AllOnMobile-Field1} * ${AllOnMobile-Field2})]]
Android and TomTom users can find more details about supported SQLite functions on the /wiki/spaces/AOMP/pages/5079054 page. |
3 | Q - Can I make my SQL query case insensitive?
| A - Yes you can! Use the collate function, an example would be:
SELECT SomeColum FROM SomeDatabase WHERE name = 'someone' COLLATE NOCASE
4 | Q - What do I do if I'm not receiving emails or PDF's from a rule? | A - Make sure that your jobs which expect an email or PDF to be produced meet all of the conditions. Also check your junk/spam folders and ensure that no firewalls are blocking All On Mobile emails.
5 | Q - What do I do if a rule that I have made isn't working? | A - All you need to do is select the tick box next to the job on the 'jobs list', go to tasks and select the 'run against rules' option. |
6 | Q - What do I do if the time recorded when a job is submitted is different on PowerSuite to the in-cab device? | A - 'Date created' is set via bridge settings, navigate to the settings page, select the preferred time zone and save the settings. |
7 | Q - What do I do if jobs aren't being received on an in-cab device? | A - You'll need to perform a data reset on this device by going to the settings menu and pressing the "reset my data" button, once you have done this log out of the app and back in and the Jobs should appear. Make sure all saved jobs have been submitted as this will clear any saved jobs. |
8 | Q - How can I move jobs to the 'completed' tab? | A - Just make a request to the service desk, making sure to inform them of the AOM reference number and if the job needs to be run through a rules engine. |
9 | Q - What is the minimum browser platform on which the Bridge website will run? | A - We test the Bridge on the current and previous versions of IE and Chrome. You may find that it will work successfully on other browsers and versions, but we cannot guarantee this. |
10 | Q - What mobile devices will run All On Mobile? | A - See our certified devices page for details. |