All On Mobile v3.1.1 - Release Notes

All On Mobile v3.1.1 - Release Notes

What's New in All On Mobile v3.1.1?

Mobile Device Application

    • Transaction Id now added to Jobs when Jobs are being sent back from the device
    • Additional functionality added to devices which restrict Users from receiving Jobs from 2 devices
    • New, more responsive calendar control added
    • Time zones now extended, so that the Bridge also makes use of the Organisation's Default Time Zone
    • 'Edit' button added to job details screen to make it easier to edit the job without going back to the search page
    • 'View' button added to the import data page to make it easier to view the jobs created via import
    • Rule actions can now be disabled
    • Added events to Rules.  Allows rules to be run only when a job is Created, Received, or Submitted

What's Changed in Al lOn Mobile v3.1.1?

  • Pop up message on click of map button inside the job, which will notify user that map will navigate to current location if no work location is present.
  • Removed Navmii navigation job field
  • Auto correct enabled on textbox fields
  • Removed Navmii navigation job field

  • Usability improvements to the user login screen.
  • Improved loading times by optimising CSS and JavaScript- removed a large number of unused third-party dependency JavaScript plugins.
  • Replaced the substitution control '+' with a newer, more stable version.
  • Replaced the drop down control used for selecting allocated users and 'tags' to more reliable control.
  • Users that are 'locked' now appear greyed out.
  • Rules that are 'disabled' now appear greyed out.
  • Date and time values are now shown in the organisation's timezone.
  • Moved the 'delete' button for rule conditions to the same line as the condition instead of appearing at the top of the page.
  • Tags can now contain spaces.
  • Changes made to the workflow so that once a job has been completed, it cannot be changed to received unless a 'Reallocate' action has been executed.
  • Changes made to the Calendar controls on Bridge where users can only go back as far as 2013 and only as far forward as 5 years' from now.
  • Removed Navmii navigation job field

What's Fixed in All On Mobile v3.1.1?

    • "Map" button not working on Tomtom device.
    • The buttons on the Map's Custom Location dialog window were not aligned correctly
    • When returning from the scan Barcode screen, hidden fields would display
    • A job with a mandatory Decorated Image field (with attachment) with no changes made to the job field could be submitted
    • The "Map" button on TomTom would stop working after going into a number of jobs
    • No "primary message" appeared after 2 auto refreshes on app
    • After submitting a Template, the "Submit" button would disappear if you go into the same Template again
    • Logging out after a data reset the app will crash.
    • After a data reset or from fresh app install on both devices. If you log into an iOS device (iPad mini) after a TomTom, the warning message that prompts the user he has changed primary device does not appear on the TomTom.
    • When viewing attachments (Using the attachment field), the attachment is zoomed in to the point that the pixels are appearing.
    • 2 Devices testing - A new message box appears on device 1 for every refresh meaning that the user has to click "ok" multiple times before they clear the message.
    • The bottom bar of the Decorated image GUI overlaps with the image
  • App goes into loop of trying to load Templates screen when testing 2 devices scenario
  • Unable to hear new job alerts after the initial alert
  • When the "automatically log out after" option is set to 30 mins and left on the Job List page, even after 30 mins, the app is still logged in
  • When writing in to a text box and tapping done it moves you downwards

  • When searching for jobs that contain SQL statements, an input field is now shown instead of a drop down.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading a template would fail if the import doesn't hold a work location.
  • Fixed an issue when moving a rule to another application.
  • Fixed an issue when moving a template to another application.
  • Fixed an issue that causes a validation message to appear; blocking users from updating a photo field.
  • Fixed an issue that stops viewing of a job when the Bridge is unable to process image thumbnails.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users using Firefox to enter commas into field names.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to paste invalid characters into the field name textbox.
  • Fixed an issue where punctuation in a rule name would cause a fatal error.
  • Fixed an issue where a blank space would be left when pasting non alphanumeric characters into an alphanumeric field e.g. field name field
  • Fixed an issue where the Rule would error if it had an Action of "Send Email" and the Subject parameter in the Action isn't completed
  • Fixed an issue where the Decorated Image field would appear as "Freehand image added on device" and not show original image attached when no changes have been made to the Decorated Image
  • Fixed an issue where the required icon was not aligned correctly alongside the job field icons
  • Fixed an issue where uploading an image to an attachment field would crash on Chrome
  • Fixed an issue where when opening the Due Date's calendar would not allow the calendar to close again
  • Fixed an issue where if the Due Date calendar is open and a Date control or Time control is opened, the control would open up elsewhere on the page
  • Fixed an issue where if the Time Zone setting is NOT set to "UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon and London", the dispatch date or due date would not show on Jobs list or Job details page
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect Job completed time was showing as a part of Time Zones testing
  • Fixed an issue where updating a Dispatch Date would wipe the Due Date
  • Fixed an issue where if an apostrophe is added in the Rule Name, the Rule Name would change to "Rule/'s Name"
  • Fixed an issue where error message saying "No Rule Selected" when trying to delete a Rule even if Rule is selected
  • Fixed an issue where a Job with a Due Date set would not change the Due Date back to nothing if "No Due Date" option is selected
  • Fixed an issue where the date updated/completed on a PDF is an hour ahead
  • Fixed an issue where the read only checkbox for textboxes would remain ticked for the next textbox created
  • Fixed an issue where when cancelling a Send Email action button, if you add a new field, all textboxes such as field name, are blank
  • Fixed an issue where if a radio field is populated by an offline database, all the options in the radio field appear as selected
  • Fixed an issue where the loss of internet message says "Click OK to continue" when the button is "Close"
  • Fixed an issue where uploading an attachment would cause the browser to crash
  • Fixed an issue when reallocating a Job via the Rules Engine would not change the status of the Job on the Bridge
  • Fixed an issue where if a Due Date was set and then removed, the previous Due Date would still show
  • Fixed an issue where there was an uncapitalised "Rule" on Rules page
  • Fixed an issue where when adding a field in create a template the "Options", the "Populating the options list" helper text now reads "i.e."
  • Fixed an issue where in the "Set the default visibility of the field" helper text the word "affect" now reads "effect"
  • Fixed an issue where the change dispatch date dialogue on Jobs page shows "hh:ss" instead of "hh:mm"
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to update a Job with a decorated image with no attachment
  • Fixed an issue where if you have a Condition of "Job Title" is something, after saving the Rule, the "Job Title" would appear as "Title"
  • Fixed an issue where uploading an attachment over the size limit would cause the Bridge to crash
  • Added a file size message on the attachments tab