All On Mobile v3.1.6 - Release Notes

All On Mobile v3.1.6 - Release Notes

What's Fixed in All On Mobile v3.1.6?

  1. Job fields with SQL queries will now work with Jobs/Template titles that contain apostrophes.
  2. Factory reset of device will no longer cause permission errors when receiving Jobs.
  3. If there is SQL in both 'Populate this field with' and 'Which items should be selected by default' options for Drop Down List fields, then both SQL statements will show results
  4. Sent jobs list - the date and time of a job will not change to current date and time.
  5. TomTom Navigation link field should switch to Map when clicked
  6. Login verification simplified to allow for faster login. 

What's Changed in All On Mobile v3.1.6?

  1. SQL calculation speed is improved.
  2. ‘Unique id’ value changed to use device ID and not that returned by Android, which is required to identify the device when communicating with All On Mobile bridge.
  3. HP printing library updated on All On Mobile application to be compatible with Android 7.0 onward devices.