Whitespace v11 known defects

Whitespace v11 known defects

Whitespace v11 is a major new release of the software and which includes fixes for many known defects and provides a series of functional improvements. Full details are in the release notes. The program of rolling out v11 upgrades and also deployments to new customers has started, and in this document provides detail and status of new issues identified during the roll-out.

The development of v11.1 is complete the roll-out schedule has started and will continue throughout 2023.

The table below will be updated frequently to reflect the list of current confirmed issues and their status.

TicketIssueFix Schedule


Ability to mass import 'ref' code on account sites for calendar collections



Username displayed rather than full name, will be fixed by SSO implementation in 11.1



Reset button for worksheet set to ForAction is not present



Vehicle Users Absent from V11 Manage Users List

Propose No Fix due to SSO introduction


When editing a worksheet with several open on other browser tabs data can be incorrectly displayed.



Tab list can appear vertically when viewing a worksheet location



When clicking Add User in Round Completions screen, session is closed.

Propose no fix, this page is being removed in 11.1

WS-11122Financial menu option not displayedBacklog
WS-11186Data export for collections can fail11.1
WS-11218Option to return to accounts site page following new worksheet creation.Backlog
WS-11220Issue with apply Assisted Collection Resolved by Charge Matrix setting


Unable to add more than one Service ID11.1
WS-11377Expanding extra info fields11.1
WS-11579Calendar does no display blue dots in multi-authority configuration.11.1
WS-11592Schedule calculation for Garden Waste can cause GW fail to display in Rounds to Cab.11.2
WS-11593Viewing a worksheet before selecting tabs can cause tab information not to be shown until browser refresh.11.2
WS-11735Default user Home pages is not retainedBacklog
WS-13198 (and others)UAT site performance - it is very slow.Hosting environment updates will be completed by end of April
WS-13600GW new subscriptions does not work as expected if the workflow uses AutoAssign activity.Hotfix being deployed to sites
WS-13513Option to change service item on service line is not retained.In triage

Process overview

When bugs are first reported they are investigated by the support team and then triaged. There are several possible outcomes of triage including further investigation or proposal to add to a release schedule or the development backlog for a future release.

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