All On Mobile v3.1 - Release Notes
Nick Hales [Administrator] (Unlicensed)
Joel Ireland (Unlicensed)
Zhang-Lei Rushton (Unlicensed)
Dimo Stoychev (Unlicensed)
What's New in All On Mobile v3.1?
- Additional field type for "SubmitButton" added to allow users to specify whether or not the "Submit" button should show for the current page.
- Additional option added to record "Geo-coordinates" against a field to track when data is entered for a job field on the Mobile Device.
- The ability to force the Date and Time fields to be "ReadOnly". Once a Date/Time field has been completed once, it cannot be changed again.
Mobile Device Application
All On Mobile Bridge
- Dates and Times are displayed in the browser's "Local" time
- Additional "Default Time Zone" setting added to Company Settings page where a Time Zone to be used can be specified for anything that will go through the Rules Engine.
- Validation when copying a Template or Rule to another Application.
- Only one Application can be selected
- Option to copy Template/Rule not available if user has access to only 1 application.
- Additional "Date Modified" column added to the Templates page.
What's Changed in All On Mobile v3.1?
- Date/time fields changed from string to numeric for better interaction with SQLite Time and Date functions.
Upgrade Warning
If you have templates/jobs which use SQLite to calculate date/times or to set visibility based on time/date please do not upgrade to All On Mobile v3.1 until you have changed your SQLite statements to use the new time/date numeric format. If you upgrade without updating the SQLite statements your Jobs will not work.
Mobile Device Application
- Android changed - read only field content colour has been changed from Grey to Black, to match the iOS/Apple app.
All On Mobile Bridge
Removed 'Custom Location' thumbnail so jobs and templates are quicker to load.
When changing the application the user is now redirected back to the same page but for the new Application.
- Search is now defaulted to lookup jobs by their 'Title' when the page is first loaded.
- Additional information in error messages when errors are displayed.
Amended the wording for buttons to ensure consistency across multiple pages when creating, deleting and updating singular or multiple entities.
Thumbnail images of maps removed when displaying geo-coordinates to reduce page loading times.
App customisation's that are already in use are now hidden from the "Create" and "Select a Customisation" drop down list.
- Disabled the 'Change application' button by default, the user must select an application before the button is enabled.
What's Fixed in All On Mobile v3.1?
Mobile Device Application
Android | iOS |
All On Mobile Bridge
- CSV export breaking when commas are found within column header's data.
- Hid a rule's "Group" and "Un-group" buttons so that they are only enabled when condition(s) are checked.
- Duplicate fields from the Job/Template no longer shown when using the "Get Fields from Job/Template" on search on Jobs page
- Toggling the template's shown/hidden state and the rule's enabled/disabled state no longer corrupt a rule's template/job allocation.
- Checkboxes no longer un-tick themselves after being set on page.
- 'Add/Remove a job field' banner no longer appears in the incorrect position after re-sizing the browser.
- 'Copy a template' dialogue no longer becomes unusable if there are more than 10 applications in an account as there is no scroll option on the dialogue.
- Create Job page for the Dispatch time and Due Date time now shows 24 Hr clock not 12.
- Duplicate fields no longer result in random placement.
- Users can now duplicate rules within the same application.
- Users can now copying rules to another application.
- Selecting checkbox(es) now enable buttons (e.g. task button) on all pages.
- Navigation within the Users and All Users now displays the correct list of users on second page.
- 'Get Fields From Template' on Search section of Jobs page no longer causes the extra long field names to incorrectly appear on the drop down list.
- Minor security hole closed where rules within other applications could be opened from the users current application.
- In "Edit Rule" and "Create Rule" pages, the "Group" and "Delete" buttons now disable after a successful delete.
- SubmitToUrl action now correctly encodes its payload before sending.
- Latitude and longitude no longer sent to WebFleet as 0,0.
- Extra white space in Search section of Jobs page no longer causes incorrect results to be returned.
- 'Does Not Contain operator' no longer stops the search on the Search section on the Jobs page from working correctly.
- Adding geo-code to a template or job no longer causes the template/job to fail to create.
- Null work-locations no longer cause the default PDF to fail.
- Work-location icon (the house icon) on the search now show if the coordinates were empty.
- Removing a duplicate field now does not remove both duplicate fields.
- Additional checkbox now no longer ticked after the original selected Template is deleted.
- Tasks button are now disabled after copying templates to another application.
- Search on the 'Jobs page' now no longer occasionally returns incorrect results when using the "On Or Before" or the "On Or After" operators.
- Editing a job with attachments no longer generates a fatal error on save.
- Helper text for Submit Button now correct.
- Long application name now fit on a same line for "Change Application" and "Edit User" dialogues.
Drop down list values display correctly when selecting the "+" option.
- Page-Break help text spelling mistake.
- Dispatch and due dates no longer shown in UTC.
- Action buttons no longer incorrectly trigger when submitted from Android.
- "Action Button" job field type now allows the first tab to be selected within the dialogue.
- Unsupported fields no longer sent to a Mobile Device with an invalid field name.
- Reallocate issues when using the Rules Engine is resolved.
- Time displayed for "Logged in" now correct.
- Attachment job field dialogue box now loner showing extra white space.
- Job search now filtering results by status.
- Search sort order now applied when clicking the table headers.
- Work location no longer defaulting to 0,0 on reallocate.
- Copying a template now copies over all tags.
- Time and Date job fields no longer change to Divider job field when the job field is edited in IE.
- Substitutions with commas now wrapped within double quotes.
- Page-button field render correctly within the fields table.
- After updating the Dispatch Date via the Tasks button the Job no longer remains selected.
- Spelling mistake rectified when the user removes an Attachment from the Job.
- Database allocation drop down now displays as 'No User Selected' and not 'No users sele'.
- Fields that aren't applicable to 'append to log' are no longer shown within the export.
- Job fields imported via "Get Fields from Job/Template" are no longer lost when navigating to the next page's worth of Jobs.
- Attachment comments now shown on PDF output.
- 'DateCreated' no longer changes on submit.
- When no Application is selected on Change Application screen, the 'Change Application' action no longer causes an error.
- User's Application allocation window now resets its scroll position when another user is edited.
- User can now longer select multiple Applications when copying Templates.
- User can no longer select multiple Applications when copying Rules.
- Updating a Job with no work location no longer sets the latitude and longitude to 0,0.
- Rules can now be saved if they contained an apostrophe.
- 'CreateJobs' validation object attached to the parent of the request instead of the current request item on the /wiki/spaces/AA/pages/2654282.
- User search where if no query is given and exception is thrown on the /wiki/spaces/AA/pages/2654282.
- Jobs now sent to a device at the correct time when created via the /wiki/spaces/AA/pages/2654282.